Course 2: Researcher and AP Skills

Training Researchers and AP’s how to do their job properly…
Become more marketable in the industry…
Make better quality programmes…
And achieve their potential!
Course Includes...
· Research and A.P. Skills
TV Researchers and Associate Producers are worth their weight in gold – if they can do their job effectively. But if they can’t you end up with flaky and unreliable contributors, incorrect facts leaking into commentary scripts, and troublesome legals distracting producers when they should be making TV programmes.
From how to source the best contributors and interview them properly on the phone to setting up a shoot and devising a call sheet, there are certain skills and techniques that are second nature to a well trained researcher or AP, and on this course a highly experienced Series Producer shows you how to do your job properly, and gives you a good grounding on how to progress to the next stage.
· Shooting and Sound
Modern technology and budget constraints have meant self shooting has become increasingly prevalent in TV, and it is a skill people are expected to have. It’s one of the most difficult things to do right – making sure every shot is technically correct, the sound is audible, the sequence is cuttable and the contributors are produced, but a lot of people still call themselves self shooters when they are nothing of the sort.
A self shooter combines the roles of producer, director, production coordinator, camera operator and sound recordist. Getting the best out of contributors, shooting internal cutaways, getting shots in focus and correctly exposed, and making sure the sound isn’t peaking is no easy matter. It’s multiskilling in the extreme, and this course shows you how to do it properly.
· Development
TV is all about ideas – having them, discussing them, choosing the best ones, writing them up and then pitching them to broadcasters. Some call it Development Hell – because it can be a thankless process. Just one in a hundred gets commissioned… if you’re lucky.
However, it is an important string to your bow. This part of the course takes you through every stage of the idea generation and proposal writing process, and shows you how to improve your hit rate. Maybe you can come up with that format that makes you a Millionaire!
· Handling a Presenter
In the past ten years there has been an explosion in the number of TV Channels, and TV Channels need programmes, and most programmes need presenters.
Handling presenters is very much part of a Researcher and AP’s job. From keeping them sweet to briefing them before that all important master interview, this part of Course 2 shows you how to get the best out of them …
· Production Coordination
Researchers and AP’s needs to be able to coordinate the production. If things go wrong it costs time and money, but it is one of the least glamorous parts of the job. Organising and setting up shoots is tricky – but it needs to be done right.
This part of the course teaches you all about call sheets and risk assessments, addresses the difficulties of setting up a foreign shoot, and shows you how to trouble shoot problems, and anticipate them beforehand...
To find out about the next course: e mail [email protected]
Courses from £90